My Emotional College Experience!

Hi Beauties,  Welcome to my blog!

In this blog, I want to tell you about my college experience.

I Graduated from school in 2014 at 16 years old.  I left ever so happy to leave my School as honestly I wasn’t comfortable there and I just wanted to get away from students and teachers, so when I got my GCSE results back with two of the best grades I needed for the college course I applied for. I did not really know what I wanted to do in the future, however, my mum is a home-based beautician, So I thought ‘I know lets apply for this, Mum will be able to support me and we can share this experience together, My Best friends going to college, so I’ll be fine’. So I applied for the Level 1 Diploma in Beauty Therapy.

Like I said above I was surprised and extremely happy to get in and I was looking forward to it. However, My Best Friend was unable to come to college and although my friends were attending I wasn’t really as ‘close’ as I thought I was and we were in different buildings. I was attending a college course where I don’t fully know my surroundings with zero people I knew in my class.

My class started awkwardly, the teachers were friendly and my classmates were either Quiet or had a very good personality. As Lessons went on so did the breaks in between where I found myself alone. I was a little claustrophobic, so I didn’t go in the Canteen I ate outside or if the weather was bad wouldn’t eat at all. Until one day two women in my class who was in there mid-twenties invited me to eat with them at lunch as I was by myself, somehow they convinced me and I was able to hang with them at break and lunch (I tried not to be burden, however, I spent my whole Course year with them and was able to talk and be close with other classmates

Coming towards the end of the course, I decided to enter a whole different Course for my Second year and stupidly distanced myself from everyone I got close to by deleting them from my facebook.

I have to admit I didn’t know what course I wanted to take but I knew that Level 2 Diploma in Beauty Therapy wasn’t for me as it wouldn’t be uncomfortable for me.  I attended a meeting with a Course counsellor which suggested Level 2 in Business Studies.  When I attended my interview, I was offered Level 3 Diploma in Business Studies. A level higher than expected, which made me more confident and ambitious for my next year.

1 week later  I found myself attending a new environment all over again. For the Induction day, I only spent 1hr 30 mins there due to a job interview, this made me unknown to the class I was put in as well as my timetable (i asked staff in the same department but they were not helpful at this time). I was told by a staff member to come the week before to college on Friday around 9 am, however, no one told me that the class was cancelled and all students got told but me. Having arrived at college (wasting my time) a teacher told me to sit in her class as it was the same level but different group. That was when I was introduced to the students and surprisingly felt comfortable telling them that I make videos on youtube and felt good in that class, although I knew I shouldn’t get comfortable I was able to talk to some girls and spent most of my day with them.

Following on to Monday, my mood towards college differs. I finally saw my class and met my teachers but felt outcasted. In many ways, I felt that groups were already formed. I spent most my days unhappy with my day and if someone other than a teacher spoke to me in class that as one of the highlights of my day. I then began to spend my days going to college, listening to music and doing course work. Music was literally my life. I then around November 2015 planned to Drop out of college as I was so unhappy, however my family wouldn’t allow me two, but around this time I would date how many days I til I turned 18 to drop out and announced to some boys in my class I wanted to drop out (talking to them openly made my absolute week). Then two girls who started the year with me, around my age, came into my life and spoke to me twice a week, then it became every day I was in class. I am ever so grateful that they made my last months of college a little bit more positive. I did feel rather depressed most times however and slacked on my work and had to stay an extra month to pass the course.

Now – 2016

After I left college, I lost contact with the girls I met & helped my mum with tea and coffee duties and tore myself away from my hobbies and things that made me felt happy. At first, I felt lost (wandering) and was in a slum. I’m currently looking for a job and it’s been 6 months since I was in education and had contact with people my age. I’m going by my day positively and trying to get out of this depressing hole I have pushed myself into. I’m making myself reenter my hobbies and interests and I am ensuring that something that made me happy happened every day. I don’t know what’s next for me, however, living positively is helpful and allows me to not be the way I felt at the beginning (another story).


I hope you gained or learned something from my story and experience and whether or not you have or are going through what I went or am going through I hope you stay strong and know I am here if you want to chat.


Long time no blogging… 

Hello everyone, I deeply apologise for not posting in a VERY long time!

Basically I’ve been busy doing an assortment of things!

1. College Life📚

Last year I was on a beauty course and I completely switched my career path into a business course in September. At the start I was so happy to start college, meet new friends etc. I even did a back to college haul on YouTube. Unfortunately that flipped 2 weeks later! I arrived a little late into college, so I guess everyone already fixed themselves into ‘groups’ and it was just me, by myself at break and lunch. So the idea of friends has flushed itself down the toilet! And too be completely honest I’m not happy here and I’ve been counting down the days until I’m 18 and I can leave college (54 days).

2. First Job💸

I’m obviously not going to state where I work but I work in retail.


It’s was my first job and it’s all down to my fabulous mummy who got me it! I jumped at a chance of working for a place i know quite well, thank got my mum was sat down when I said I’ll apply for it! Anyway, although I’m only working when I’m not at college (weekends) as I’m on a Zero-hour contract, it’s a good choice for a first job. (Try’s to stay positive) but when I publish this I won’t be in the job, it’s been a nice 3 months but I need to move to a job, where I get more hours around my time as I really need to earn more money! (Being in beauty isn’t easy!) so I will be handing in my notice before Christmas!

3. Instagram

At the moment I’m trying my hardest to make something out of my Instagram. If you didn’t know I have a beauty account where I review products but funky up the the videos a little. I love doing it, but it’s a big commitment for someone whose 17, in college, has a job and doesn’t have money I can fling around buy things to review. It takes time to think of what to film, to film it (hope it’s good enough to use), edit it, find the right effect & music (to look cool & that I have a social life). I could editing for hours on end and I haven’t done anything for half of my day (which gets me in trouble).

But I’m going to take on a bigger challenge..YOUTUBE!!!!

Now, 2016 I’m going moving to YouTube! I’m excited but nervous but I’ve got to do this! I’m 17 and 18 VERY soon I need to find my career path and I WANT TO BE A YOUTUBER!!

There I said it! My grandparents might not understand but it’s like a dream And I must make my dreams into my reality! Ever since I was young as an only child i would create my own games, in which I was a YouTuber! I guess I’ve wanted to be one in a long while and There’s always been an excuse for me not to start! So now is my time!!!

I bet there are umpteen reasons for not posting but there are some I’ve listed + a life update for 2016!

Hope to see you guys in the future! (Most definitely will I have the app for a reason)

*If you can please comment any tags related no related to beauty.

Thanks for reading!

Jess xo 💋

Where to find me:

My Instagram – Check out my videos 💋

My Twitter – Why not tweet me? Say you read my blog & I’ll follow you👍🏻

My Twitter – I’m addicted to editing apps😁 check out my edits✌🏻️

My Youtube – more videos to come! Subscribe and be AWESOME😏😘💘

It’s time to get used to me…


Hey Guys!

If you didn’t know I’m officially starting YouTube!
It’s been a dream I haven’t dared to live, it’s something I’m passionate about.

I’ve talked it through with myself over and over and over.
“Is it the right idea?”

“What if people from my Past find my channel”

“What about hate?”

“Will this even become something?”

“Who would care to watch me?”

“I’m not like everyone, what if I don’t fit in?”
All the above are negative! But why not try! I never know what will happen by the end of this year!
I have been wanting to be a YouTuber for so long…

(Right now I’m typing and About to cringe) I used to ‘pretend youtube’ *closes eyes and screams internally* but why not make my fantasy being a reality?!
I’m just a girl who is ‘different’ than others. Probably not a subject for this entry but I’m like no other…in a way, I AM unique!
I’m just an 18 year old, who lives with her parents and doesn’t have a career right now.
although I wish I started sooner, I’m now confident, I expect hate and that’s okay. Well yes, whatever is thrown at me will hurt but I’m gonna be on youtube, living the dream I’ve wanted that feels like a lifetime.

I need to stay focused. 

I’m going to post a blog with a YouTube video and sometimes at random.

Follow me on Instagram
Subscribe to me on Youtube
Interact with me on Twitter

Thank you for reading!

Jess xo

Daily Life: Starting to get excited for summer 😄

Today, Sunday 19 April 2015. I decided to go shopping with my parents. Whilst I stood patiently, as I could possibly be, waiting for my parents to finish looking at pots and pans in B&M.

I, looking around the shelves around me, (as that what normal people do I guess) Came across a Mr Snow Cone Maker, Along many other snow cone makers (frozen brand- crushed ice comes from Olaf’s stomach and some cheap thing that probably is a used once as it comes with only three ice things).Anyway, at this time I was a bit hungry, and eating ice seemed like a good idea😅  I kind of eat ice if there’s still some in my glass (I hope I’m not the only one) I thought back to the days where the family would go on holidays to places like Blackpool, Cromer, Yarmouth, etc. and on sunny days out a Slushie seemed like a good idea. And it would make your tough either blue, red or purple (both colours together).

Oh, how I miss them days! Oh, how I wish I was on holiday right now!

Anyway I just can’t wait for the sun, the heat, the light-ish pink tan I get from my back garden, the shade, eating outside, the water hose, the bugs I’ll be swatting away from my face with my hand, the bags of ice cube you use in about a week and a bit, the relaxation, etc. so many things!

But that’s my expectations ⬆️

The reality will be; me staying indoors, swatting fat ass flies that keep flying in constant circles, the sunburn, the stress of college next year, the stress of finding a job, the stress of my dog, the stress of parents, me not having a social life still, me watching 4 now TV movies every day!, me wanting a holiday, me wanting my paddling pool up, me shouting at my dog for woofing at the neighbours or people who are actually doing something active in the summer, etc.

There are so many things I want to do this summer but somehow I know I won’t be.

Fingers crossed that I have a good summer and I hope all the people who are still reading this do aswell 😘❤️


Question of the day:

What do you currently study at college? 💕

Level 1 Beauty Therapy ✌🏻️


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