Time for a change

Its time to change.

Change isn’t a bad thing, at times it can be good thing.

I have been trapped in this body for too long. its time to make my own decisions.

I’m not perfect and I don’t want to be.

I need to eat healthier.
I need to be active and energetic.
I need to be organized with life and my social media side. (family, blog, instagram).
I need to achieve goals. for example I NEED to finish my stories off on wattpad and Achieve the above.
and I need to be more social. I have no real life close friends and that’s my fault as I have pushed people away and hidden from life to stay at home.

I want to be ready for everything (even a zombie apocalypse).

Although I want to change. ill still be the same me.

Ill still be bubbly, a little Chatty, a little loud.

My personality wont change but my body and mind will.

I’m sorry if I bore you after this post, however I want you do the same if your similar to be then WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!! LET’S STICK TOGETHER!!!!
——————————————————–where to find me ~

Instagrams – aphotographersmind and @honeymoonbeauty

Tumblrs – Takeiteasydude and afotographersmind

Twitter – @honeymoonbeauty

WordPress – Storyteller0800


Long time no blogging… 

Hello everyone, I deeply apologise for not posting in a VERY long time!

Basically I’ve been busy doing an assortment of things!

1. College Life📚

Last year I was on a beauty course and I completely switched my career path into a business course in September. At the start I was so happy to start college, meet new friends etc. I even did a back to college haul on YouTube. Unfortunately that flipped 2 weeks later! I arrived a little late into college, so I guess everyone already fixed themselves into ‘groups’ and it was just me, by myself at break and lunch. So the idea of friends has flushed itself down the toilet! And too be completely honest I’m not happy here and I’ve been counting down the days until I’m 18 and I can leave college (54 days).

2. First Job💸

I’m obviously not going to state where I work but I work in retail.


It’s was my first job and it’s all down to my fabulous mummy who got me it! I jumped at a chance of working for a place i know quite well, thank got my mum was sat down when I said I’ll apply for it! Anyway, although I’m only working when I’m not at college (weekends) as I’m on a Zero-hour contract, it’s a good choice for a first job. (Try’s to stay positive) but when I publish this I won’t be in the job, it’s been a nice 3 months but I need to move to a job, where I get more hours around my time as I really need to earn more money! (Being in beauty isn’t easy!) so I will be handing in my notice before Christmas!

3. Instagram

At the moment I’m trying my hardest to make something out of my Instagram. If you didn’t know I have a beauty account where I review products but funky up the the videos a little. I love doing it, but it’s a big commitment for someone whose 17, in college, has a job and doesn’t have money I can fling around buy things to review. It takes time to think of what to film, to film it (hope it’s good enough to use), edit it, find the right effect & music (to look cool & that I have a social life). I could editing for hours on end and I haven’t done anything for half of my day (which gets me in trouble).

But I’m going to take on a bigger challenge..YOUTUBE!!!!

Now, 2016 I’m going moving to YouTube! I’m excited but nervous but I’ve got to do this! I’m 17 and 18 VERY soon I need to find my career path and I WANT TO BE A YOUTUBER!!

There I said it! My grandparents might not understand but it’s like a dream And I must make my dreams into my reality! Ever since I was young as an only child i would create my own games, in which I was a YouTuber! I guess I’ve wanted to be one in a long while and There’s always been an excuse for me not to start! So now is my time!!!

I bet there are umpteen reasons for not posting but there are some I’ve listed + a life update for 2016!

Hope to see you guys in the future! (Most definitely will I have the app for a reason)

*If you can please comment any tags related no related to beauty.

Thanks for reading!

Jess xo 💋

Where to find me:

My Instagram – Check out my videos 💋

My Twitter – Why not tweet me? Say you read my blog & I’ll follow you👍🏻

My Twitter – I’m addicted to editing apps😁 check out my edits✌🏻️

My Youtube – more videos to come! Subscribe and be AWESOME😏😘💘

A smile can do a lot for others!

I came to thinking about this during a shower the other day.

A smile is more than the expression on our face.

A smile can mean so much to someone, no matter who they are.

A smile can change someone’s Mood, Day, even life.

Thank you.

Thank you, Stranger, Acquaintance etc, for smiling at us.

No matter where, when, or if we looked confused at the time.

Thank you.

Thank you to those in our lives that try to get us to engage with the world.

Your act of kindness helps everyone, even me, realise that we are not invisible.

A smile can save do a lot.

A smile can save lives.

Continue reading “A smile can do a lot for others!”

It’s time to get used to me…


Hey Guys!

If you didn’t know I’m officially starting YouTube!
It’s been a dream I haven’t dared to live, it’s something I’m passionate about.

I’ve talked it through with myself over and over and over.
“Is it the right idea?”

“What if people from my Past find my channel”

“What about hate?”

“Will this even become something?”

“Who would care to watch me?”

“I’m not like everyone, what if I don’t fit in?”
All the above are negative! But why not try! I never know what will happen by the end of this year!
I have been wanting to be a YouTuber for so long…

(Right now I’m typing and About to cringe) I used to ‘pretend youtube’ *closes eyes and screams internally* but why not make my fantasy being a reality?!
I’m just a girl who is ‘different’ than others. Probably not a subject for this entry but I’m like no other…in a way, I AM unique!
I’m just an 18 year old, who lives with her parents and doesn’t have a career right now.
although I wish I started sooner, I’m now confident, I expect hate and that’s okay. Well yes, whatever is thrown at me will hurt but I’m gonna be on youtube, living the dream I’ve wanted that feels like a lifetime.

I need to stay focused. 

I’m going to post a blog with a YouTube video and sometimes at random.

Follow me on Instagram
Subscribe to me on Youtube
Interact with me on Twitter

Thank you for reading!

Jess xo