✨Being inspired✨

Hey Guys, welcome to another Sunday blog!☀️
Today I’m talking about Inspiring people around us and those you have never met.

If you know by my Instagram I have just watched ‘The C-word’ on BBC ONE it was about a lady called Lisa Lynch. She had cancer and her story was so inspiring.

It was played by Sheridan Smith who Is an amazing actress. I have watched from ‘two pints of larger and a packet of crisps’ and ‘Cilla’ all of Sheridans Roles are AMAZING.

Sadly Lisa Lynch Died on the 11th of March 2013👼🏼💕

I, Myself would love to inspire people. I love give people tips and support on their issues and troubles. It’s just the feel of knowing someone out there is inspired by you would be amazing.

I also love writing and even though I’m crap at grammar, Spelling and Punctuating. Thank God, my phone does it for me😅

I’m going to insert something that inspired me here that the amazing Rae Earl (author) Tweeted me awhile back after I tweeted about her book ‘My Madder Fatter Diary Vol 2’. (I think she stalked me after 😂)  I think I’ve recently deleted the tweet though😅

“@honeymoonbeauty Write it – you can punctuate later. That’s what I do! X” – Rae Earl, Author of the ‘my mad fat diary’ books 

I would love to write a book! I have no idea what it would be about but that’s my dream!
I want to write. I want to inspire and I want to publish a book.

I currently have some stories published on Wattpad that I really need to finish. All I need is time! And time at the moment is going really quickly.
I wish I had time to; go college, do assignments, look after dogs, spend time with family, do some chores, post on Instagram everyday, blog everyday, continue my stories everyday, try to make something of a career out of reviewing, eating and sleeping.

I need time to do that. Time I just don’t have.

Anyway thank you for reading 🙂 I post every Sunday!


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A smile can do a lot for others!

I came to thinking about this during a shower the other day.

A smile is more than the expression on our face.

A smile can mean so much to someone, no matter who they are.

A smile can change someone’s Mood, Day, even life.

Thank you.

Thank you, Stranger, Acquaintance etc, for smiling at us.

No matter where, when, or if we looked confused at the time.

Thank you.

Thank you to those in our lives that try to get us to engage with the world.

Your act of kindness helps everyone, even me, realise that we are not invisible.

A smile can save do a lot.

A smile can save lives.

Continue reading “A smile can do a lot for others!”

It’s time to get used to me…


Hey Guys!

If you didn’t know I’m officially starting YouTube!
It’s been a dream I haven’t dared to live, it’s something I’m passionate about.

I’ve talked it through with myself over and over and over.
“Is it the right idea?”

“What if people from my Past find my channel”

“What about hate?”

“Will this even become something?”

“Who would care to watch me?”

“I’m not like everyone, what if I don’t fit in?”
All the above are negative! But why not try! I never know what will happen by the end of this year!
I have been wanting to be a YouTuber for so long…

(Right now I’m typing and About to cringe) I used to ‘pretend youtube’ *closes eyes and screams internally* but why not make my fantasy being a reality?!
I’m just a girl who is ‘different’ than others. Probably not a subject for this entry but I’m like no other…in a way, I AM unique!
I’m just an 18 year old, who lives with her parents and doesn’t have a career right now.
although I wish I started sooner, I’m now confident, I expect hate and that’s okay. Well yes, whatever is thrown at me will hurt but I’m gonna be on youtube, living the dream I’ve wanted that feels like a lifetime.

I need to stay focused. 

I’m going to post a blog with a YouTube video and sometimes at random.

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Thank you for reading!

Jess xo