✨Being inspired✨

Hey Guys, welcome to another Sunday blog!☀️
Today I’m talking about Inspiring people around us and those you have never met.

If you know by my Instagram I have just watched ‘The C-word’ on BBC ONE it was about a lady called Lisa Lynch. She had cancer and her story was so inspiring.

It was played by Sheridan Smith who Is an amazing actress. I have watched from ‘two pints of larger and a packet of crisps’ and ‘Cilla’ all of Sheridans Roles are AMAZING.

Sadly Lisa Lynch Died on the 11th of March 2013👼🏼💕

I, Myself would love to inspire people. I love give people tips and support on their issues and troubles. It’s just the feel of knowing someone out there is inspired by you would be amazing.

I also love writing and even though I’m crap at grammar, Spelling and Punctuating. Thank God, my phone does it for me😅

I’m going to insert something that inspired me here that the amazing Rae Earl (author) Tweeted me awhile back after I tweeted about her book ‘My Madder Fatter Diary Vol 2’. (I think she stalked me after 😂)  I think I’ve recently deleted the tweet though😅

“@honeymoonbeauty Write it – you can punctuate later. That’s what I do! X” – Rae Earl, Author of the ‘my mad fat diary’ books 

I would love to write a book! I have no idea what it would be about but that’s my dream!
I want to write. I want to inspire and I want to publish a book.

I currently have some stories published on Wattpad that I really need to finish. All I need is time! And time at the moment is going really quickly.
I wish I had time to; go college, do assignments, look after dogs, spend time with family, do some chores, post on Instagram everyday, blog everyday, continue my stories everyday, try to make something of a career out of reviewing, eating and sleeping.

I need time to do that. Time I just don’t have.

Anyway thank you for reading 🙂 I post every Sunday!


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Daily Life: Starting to get excited for summer 😄

Today, Sunday 19 April 2015. I decided to go shopping with my parents. Whilst I stood patiently, as I could possibly be, waiting for my parents to finish looking at pots and pans in B&M.

I, looking around the shelves around me, (as that what normal people do I guess) Came across a Mr Snow Cone Maker, Along many other snow cone makers (frozen brand- crushed ice comes from Olaf’s stomach and some cheap thing that probably is a used once as it comes with only three ice things).Anyway, at this time I was a bit hungry, and eating ice seemed like a good idea😅  I kind of eat ice if there’s still some in my glass (I hope I’m not the only one) I thought back to the days where the family would go on holidays to places like Blackpool, Cromer, Yarmouth, etc. and on sunny days out a Slushie seemed like a good idea. And it would make your tough either blue, red or purple (both colours together).

Oh, how I miss them days! Oh, how I wish I was on holiday right now!

Anyway I just can’t wait for the sun, the heat, the light-ish pink tan I get from my back garden, the shade, eating outside, the water hose, the bugs I’ll be swatting away from my face with my hand, the bags of ice cube you use in about a week and a bit, the relaxation, etc. so many things!

But that’s my expectations ⬆️

The reality will be; me staying indoors, swatting fat ass flies that keep flying in constant circles, the sunburn, the stress of college next year, the stress of finding a job, the stress of my dog, the stress of parents, me not having a social life still, me watching 4 now TV movies every day!, me wanting a holiday, me wanting my paddling pool up, me shouting at my dog for woofing at the neighbours or people who are actually doing something active in the summer, etc.

There are so many things I want to do this summer but somehow I know I won’t be.

Fingers crossed that I have a good summer and I hope all the people who are still reading this do aswell 😘❤️


Question of the day:

What do you currently study at college? 💕

Level 1 Beauty Therapy ✌🏻️


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