✨Being inspired✨

Hey Guys, welcome to another Sunday blog!☀️
Today I’m talking about Inspiring people around us and those you have never met.

If you know by my Instagram I have just watched ‘The C-word’ on BBC ONE it was about a lady called Lisa Lynch. She had cancer and her story was so inspiring.

It was played by Sheridan Smith who Is an amazing actress. I have watched from ‘two pints of larger and a packet of crisps’ and ‘Cilla’ all of Sheridans Roles are AMAZING.

Sadly Lisa Lynch Died on the 11th of March 2013👼🏼💕

I, Myself would love to inspire people. I love give people tips and support on their issues and troubles. It’s just the feel of knowing someone out there is inspired by you would be amazing.

I also love writing and even though I’m crap at grammar, Spelling and Punctuating. Thank God, my phone does it for me😅

I’m going to insert something that inspired me here that the amazing Rae Earl (author) Tweeted me awhile back after I tweeted about her book ‘My Madder Fatter Diary Vol 2’. (I think she stalked me after 😂)  I think I’ve recently deleted the tweet though😅

“@honeymoonbeauty Write it – you can punctuate later. That’s what I do! X” – Rae Earl, Author of the ‘my mad fat diary’ books 

I would love to write a book! I have no idea what it would be about but that’s my dream!
I want to write. I want to inspire and I want to publish a book.

I currently have some stories published on Wattpad that I really need to finish. All I need is time! And time at the moment is going really quickly.
I wish I had time to; go college, do assignments, look after dogs, spend time with family, do some chores, post on Instagram everyday, blog everyday, continue my stories everyday, try to make something of a career out of reviewing, eating and sleeping.

I need time to do that. Time I just don’t have.

Anyway thank you for reading 🙂 I post every Sunday!


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